By Crystal Trundy - Special to the
West Paris - Creating interest at the Ledgeview Nursing Home and elsewhere is an unusual exhibit of mounted baby fawns, an albino buck and a natural doe.
Their mother was killed by a car and aborted the fawns, which were found several hours later on May 18 on the Glendon Hadley lawn by his two grandchildren, Kenny and Danielle Wilson. Hadley believes the mother was in the process of birthing the fawns when she was hit by a car.
Hadley proceeded to bring the fawns inside, cleaned them up, notified authorities, and obtained the necessary permits to keep them for mounting.
Hadley was unsuccessful in finding a taxidermist in Maine that would attempt to mount such small animals, because their skin was so delicate, and therefore sent them to the Clingerman Taxidermy in Mount Rose, N.Y.
"I am real pleased with their work," said Hadley. One has to agree that the baby fawns look as real as life.
Such young fawns are not usually seen in exhibits. Also, the natural setting in the background, adds to the realism. The art work was done by 89-year-old Elder David Shaw a resident at the Ledgeview Nursing Home.
He is proud of his work, a project he says he enjoyed doing immensely.
The exhibit will be on display at Ledgeview through next week, and then may be seen by contacting Hadley. It has created much interest throughout the area. It is to be exhibited at the Augusta Sportsman Show in the spring and is to be a feature article in the Maine Fisheries and Wildlife Magazine as well as being shown in New
York. |